Friday, November 22, 2013

Jezebel Believes How I Met Your Dad Will Be Boring

I seriously hate everything about this article. So why am I sharing it? Because I need to tear it apart. Jezebel believes HIMYD will be boring, for the stupidest reasons.

One of the reasons it comes up with is that the How I Met Your Dad will be like "every woman show ever." It says that HIMYM was interesting because Ted was in the woman's role. Because there has never been anything ever where the dude chased the girl? Aladdin? The Wedding Singer? 50 First Dates? I can keep going, but you get the idea. The male-centric romance does exist. What made How I Met Your Mother unique is we started from the end - we know Ted gets married and has a son and a daughter that are teenagers in 2030. The show is the journey that puts him on the path to that ending.

Another reason is if "Ted [is already] reamed by fans for being whiney and irritating," then what chance does a woman character fare? Are there no women on HIMYM? Fans love Robin, and though they have mixed feelings on Lily, what does being a woman have to do with anything? The How I Met Your Dad protagonist is probably not going to be Ted 2.0 with boobs. Also, fans hate Ted because he refuses to let go of Robin and is a know-it-all that pronounces encyclopedia the way he does - not because of any perceived woman traits.

Overall, the entire article is completely sexist and it misses the point of what made How I Met Your Mother amazing. They certainly aren't in any position to decide what a sequel will be like, especially before they see anything.

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