Monday, November 25, 2013

Someone Besides Me Thinks How I Met Your Dad Should Be Judged On Its Own Merits!

Let's celebrate the fact common sense is not completely dead on the Internet!

The Culture and Media Institute published an article that suggests that we shouldn't be so hasty in judging How I Met Your Dad. Sure, sequels, prequels, and spin-offs may be lazy, but who among us has never watched one?

The one gripe I have about the article is that it states the title is a mistake. I don't agree, but my argument invovles taking the logic train all the way back to the station. If Ted is telling his children how he met their mother, then he is The Father. If the new show has new characters, you wouldn't want to confuse them with already existing characters, so the new parents would be The Dad and The Mom. I mean, if CBS goes really crazy, they could have How Mama Met Papa, but I really hope they stop by then.

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